The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Be a Doc at Heart

I met a new neighbour. Their house is the first corner unit of the double storey terrace on the same row as mine. They are a family from Sarikei. They’re out here to visit their new house (notice its house not home). They’re going to rent it out. We had a little friendly chat when my sis and I walked pass. Friendly lot of people. And they are about the first neighbour I actually talk to.

Okay, minus the family who parked and locked their lorry with a steering lock but left keys dangling on the door. *shakes head* My mum and I actually saw it when we passed there on Sunday morning. We thought they would wake up and realize but then the bunch of keys were still there when we passed there in the evening after fetching my sis back from tuition. So we decided to ring the door bell and let them know. It can’t be considered a proper conversation right?

My family’s been having the sick bug lately. My brother got sick for about a week. And much to my parent’s dismay, he got all the HFM symptoms. Yes, tick from the first to last symptoms. Spots, fever, loss of appetite, bla bla bla… They actually went to a different clinic every night (because every night his fever went up). 4 nights, 4 different clinics. The second night they went to Kuching Specialist Centre which definitely did not live up to its ‘specialist’ name. The doctor took my brother’s blood to be tested, since he has high fever. And guess what? He didn’t look confident, and a chi a cho here and there, then halfway through taking, the blood clotted. Lousy doc and I just wonder which university he actually graduate from. Like that I can also be a doctor.

If you are thinking of becoming a doctor but don’t think you can help save lives or make sick people better, or at least try your best effort to, please reconsider. Plain ogling at the ‘cool’ status and fortune of becoming a doctor will not get u there. And if you do get there (like the particular doctor in KSC), you are only a ‘doctor’ on that piece of junk paper your university is blind enough to award you with not a doctor at heart. If you don’t think you can help people, at least don’t do any more ‘harm’.

And after that, he had the nerve to ask for a second take (which my Dad rejected). What la. Where’s his manners and apology? I advice people with critical (or even minor) condition please do not go KSC because you just might lose someone who might have been saved in another medical centre. I am not saying all the doctors at KSC are as bad but who would want to take chances right? We all only have one precious life so we can’t afford to lose it right? In any case that he might be a newly graduated doctor, let’s hope he learns to be a better one in future. But I just thought doctors should pass those basic techniques before they can graduate. Or do they actually graduate before their first attempt of practical? *ouch.. okay, okay I know there’s a lot of good doctors/ doctors-to-be out there so save me your surgical weapons. I’m just talking about that doctor not any other.*

Then it was my Dad. Flu and fever too I think. He’s about the healthiest person in the family so it’s kind of weird seeing him sick. I mean I’m usually the one with tissues and jackets and looking like a dead dog. But I think they’re both recovering well. Get well soon.

I am starting to think I have a pig instead of a dog as a pet. I mean, Hola is just plain dumb. The only thing he has learnt so far is that he should not come anywhere near me when I have a rotan in my hand. Good for that. At least it is one way I can get some peace. Tiger is not much better but then he seldom bothers himself with us so he kind of saves us doggy-troubles. Besides chewing shoes, sandals and playing hide and seek with them; they are always digging in the garden, bringing soil all over the place (garage and patio). And they are scared of anything else that moves. Yeah they may bark heroically at any threats outside the gates but when the gates are open and the ‘threats’ can really threat them, they scamper away. What kind of dogs are these two? So much for hoping for the two to take care of the house.

Oh and the SPM result statistic is accurate. And sorry to say that to date I have yet touched the ‘needlework’ which I left undone since the night I bought the materials. I don’t think I have time for them during weekdays. This coming weekend maybe, but oh, I have plans already. Busy weekend. So, maybe the weekend after next. *gasp* It’s delaying further than I had expected.
Didn't blog yesterday cos was fully occupied. Will update it another day.

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