The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I just came back from Reliability Lab. I met the trainee that came right after me (a while after Christmas). We had lunch together. She’s from KUITHO or something like that. The Johor college. And most of all, she’s already graduating. >.<
Anyway, today’s the first official training I had. As in, technical training from outside vendor. I followed YY down to the Lab. We had to change into cleanroom apparel and another ‘safer’ shoes. And the shoes were about double my feet size. -_- So much for safety. After changing we need to measure ourselves to see if we are insulated enough. Used some weird kind of multimeter; the same way u measure if a crocodile clip is functioning or not.

XSi has just bought a new equipment so we all had to learn from the vendor how to operate it. It involves mostly programming and burn-in process. Throughout, I thought the Vendor engineer spoke some Martian language (HM did warn me about it). Plus, my nose decided it needed some run the whole way through. So I couldn’t really concentrate. By the end of the 3~4 hours training, my leg was giving away cause we were standing all the way through and and trying to peer through his shoulders while he was demostrating. The equipment is very big, but the screen is just a normal 15" monitor and there were like 6 of use breathing down his neck. Haha...

But it is interesting despite the fact I get no head no tail. I mean, making wafers to me really resembles baking a cake. If you are in the semiconductor / nanotechnology industry you would know what I mean. The output is in fact also round like a cake. I wonder if in future people would be innovative enough to combine these two industry (wafer & baking) to come up with some electronic semiconductor cake. Haha… I think it can make big money! Eh, I copyright that idea!!!

Too bad no photos to show the XSi equipments and products. Taking photos within XSi would be really interesting. But then, the confidentiality policy makes that impossible. This is because XSi is targeting to monopolize the niche technology and products. So well, I could only try to describe my XSi life as visual as possible.

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