The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I miss...

Okay, despite how much I claim to detest a certain desert place in the heart of Tronoh, I would be lying if I say I hadn’t missed any bit of it. :)

I miss...

1) Sleeping way past midnight and feeling it’s perfectly normal.
2) Waking up whenever I like (the art of adjusting timetable and skipping classes)
3) Napping whenever I like (the art of sleeping in lectures and even skipping them)
4) Marathon-ing downloaded dramas / animes / movies all for free.
5) Having free flow of water, electricity, net (though it’s terrible).
6) Sudden midnight movies outing.
7) Very sudden midnight movies (usually in the midst of exams and taunting projects, motivated by stress)
8) My roommate’s really kawaii laugh.
9) My coursemate’s (a.k.a. neighbor) unkawaii-trying-to-be-yeng face.
10) Our oh-so-lame ‘fights’.
11) Laundry marathon.
12) Saying the phrases ‘done-d? & borrow’, ‘eh, see, see’, ‘AKL, kao sai lei la’
13) T’s ‘pleasant’ means of emergence.
14) J’s professional birthday cake-cutting.
15) E’s amazing schemes of bypassing certain (or is it most?) rules.
16) L’s wonderful ‘storytelling’.
17) A certain nag-gy coursemate.
18) The badminton gang(s).
19) The crazy midnight badminton gang.
20) The peel-your-skin weather
21) Some of the ‘lengzais’ (haha…)
22) All the ‘lengluis’ (HAHAha…)

Eh, that’s about it. Seems like not much also la. Haha… As you can see, I missed the ‘good’s and the ‘bad’s, I missed all but academically-oriented aspects of that desert, such as:

1) The ‘excitements’ of facing ruthless viva-ers. (viva-er is a new vocabulary I invent for people who viva viva-ee)
2) The rare nights (or days) that you actually have the chance to feel brain saturation (of academic stuff that is).
3) The ever ‘pleasant’ schedule of tests & exams.
4) The ‘heavenly’ sleepless-week(s) during peak workload.
5) The cycle of tests, presentations, projects that never fails to be a mass of muddled chains.

… I decided not to remind myself of what I loathe so much. :P


Anonymous said...

haha, its either nothing to see or a lot to see at ur blog hehe, anyway, Work HArd

Rain said...

When busy time nuthing to see lor, when normal/lazy-to-work time i blog almost everyday mah... haha