The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...

Monday, May 15, 2006


The absence, was it being too busy or being too free? Sometimes when I am so busy, I tend to ask myself what is this, that and all the ‘busy’ for? For the three meals a day? No, any other simpler jobs would have given me a satisfactory three meals. Then for the higher pay? True, any other jobs would have given me a satisfactory three meals but I wouldn’t have the extra to do what I want. But what other extras do I want? Oh I know. I have a habit. A BAD habit I would say. I collect stuff. *cough* Okay, I collect expensive stuff. Hmm, it’s not that expensive in my opinion. Like RM100-RM500 a set/ a piece. Like when I was a fan of Swatch some time ago, I had wanted to collect them then. But so far I have only three. Haha… cause my ‘obsession’ for it wore off. I think it is normal. At least I am not collecting cars. That’d be a bit ‘over’ for my financial status. So currently I’m collecting erm… something which also cost RM100-RM300 a set. But then they are so expensive, so I decided to get the 2nd hands and only collect the brand new collection when I start working.

Then, why I am in university? I don’t know why, education doesn’t seem very important to me. But it sure is for society nowadays. Is that why I am in tertiary studies? So much for saying I don’t flow with the crowd, its easier said than done huh? *Sigh* Luckily I’m already in, if not I doubt that I’d make another same choice. Haha… Yet if I’m not busy, what do I seek for? I don’t even know what I want. It feels very meaningless to be busy and striving everyday and not know where you want to head. But at the times when I let everything go and be ‘free’ I also ask myself, “What now?” Yeah, what now? So I’m free, so what do I REALLY want to do? But I still can’t do it. Because when I ‘free’ myself, I am still actually ‘tied’. I can never be totally free.

Actually, when I blank everyone else, and I mean everyone else, out of my world, I ask myself what is if that I want? I have the clear picture; the simple, crystal-clear answer. But in reality, I can never achieve that as no man is an island. I can never be really without those intervening people. Without them, I wouldn’t be here too. *Sigh* such a dilemma. I don’t know why, I seem to find days becoming more and more meaningless. Maybe because I am totally sure I can never achieve what some other people expect of me. And after about two decades, I am decay from striving to achieve (what a naïve me) what certain people expect, to just fulfilling whatever those certain people request. I lost the initiative and spirit to strive since their satisfaction limit is never achievable. And now …gradually perishing into a nonchalant leave-me-alone.

I am tired of doing what SHOULD be done, instead of what I want to do. But then clearly understanding that the ‘dream’ is now even more distant to me than ever, I am back to where I had paused to brood, I am back... to be the puppet… whatever that I SHOULD be.

p/s: the dis-orderly of this post shows how messed up my mind is. Pardon it :P


Anonymous said...

so wats ur dream then? dunno yet?
I like this phrase by the way, "Future Belongs to those who beliv in the beauty of their dream"
so...wats ur dream? i oso feel life meaningless...future seems to be so blank...dunno wat to do after the been organized uni life...sigh

Rain said...

Yeah, guess the same dilemma? Haha.. My dream is very simple.. live a simple MEaNINGFUL life. Hahaha.. but i guess everyone has a different definition for 'simple'.

Anonymous said...

so wats ur simple? Marry a young rich handsome guy n den stay at home b Shao NAi NAi?? hahaha n collect those expensive collection?? hehe

Rain said...

haha... eh please la... i m not that type of person/gal ok.. depend on the other half... i depend on myself one... depend on other person? that's a meaningless life... hehe...

Rain said...

Thanks for support!