It’s a rainy day. So nice. But today I forgot my handphone, forgot my bottle. Luckily I remembered my head. Actually the things I remembered to bring was cause it was never taken out in the first place. And I couldn’t have forgotten my jacket since I was shivering this morning. So I wore my jacket zipped up. Everyone arrived all wrapped up; looks like winter wear. Haha… It’s a real cold day. But surprising the icebox is not as cold as most ppl expected it to. Luckily, if not I can’t imagine. I seriously had considered to bring an extra jacket this morning… Poor Tiger and Hola, they are probably so cold but they followed me to my car wic was out in the rain. Poor pups, missed me huh? ;)
Last Friday, I went to HR to fight my rights. J Hehe… Din go to CH, Ms SUPER-hard-to-negotiate-and-talk-to. She’s from China and speaks with this erm… unbearably HIGH pitch tone. Asked SU and I got it (easy pea)! 7 days of leave. So my 4-working-days-a-week plan is still on! YEAH!! Only 7 days leave; not enough to cover so many working weeks, so I had a headache spreading them out uniformly. Thank goodness for whoever created Public Holidays esp Gawai (3 days!!! But one fall on Sat).
So, my 4-working-days-a-week starts on the week after Ms Suhaila’s visit. Skipped weeks with Public Holidays. So, end up with only few full working weeks. I kept most of it towards the final weeks in case I need some time for preparation to get back to a certain deserted desert called Tronoh. Anyhow, I din take any for last week since I may be really busy wrapping the loose ends up and completing final report, logbook and etc.
I’m a really bad student. I think Mr. Thiam probably thought I kidnapped his squash racquet oredi. I have been skipping Badminton religiously!
Week 1 – Move house
Week 2 – Move house
Week 3 – CNY (he oso no session la)
Week 4 – (some dinner, forgot wat)
Week 5 – Chap Goh Mei dinner (neh the day bz whole day, how to go wor)
Week 6 – Sprained neck
Week 7 – Stabbed thigh
Week 8 – Flu like dead dog
Week 9 – Lazy :P
Last Friday, I went to HR to fight my rights. J Hehe… Din go to CH, Ms SUPER-hard-to-negotiate-and-talk-to. She’s from China and speaks with this erm… unbearably HIGH pitch tone. Asked SU and I got it (easy pea)! 7 days of leave. So my 4-working-days-a-week plan is still on! YEAH!! Only 7 days leave; not enough to cover so many working weeks, so I had a headache spreading them out uniformly. Thank goodness for whoever created Public Holidays esp Gawai (3 days!!! But one fall on Sat).
So, my 4-working-days-a-week starts on the week after Ms Suhaila’s visit. Skipped weeks with Public Holidays. So, end up with only few full working weeks. I kept most of it towards the final weeks in case I need some time for preparation to get back to a certain deserted desert called Tronoh. Anyhow, I din take any for last week since I may be really busy wrapping the loose ends up and completing final report, logbook and etc.
I’m a really bad student. I think Mr. Thiam probably thought I kidnapped his squash racquet oredi. I have been skipping Badminton religiously!
Week 1 – Move house
Week 2 – Move house
Week 3 – CNY (he oso no session la)
Week 4 – (some dinner, forgot wat)
Week 5 – Chap Goh Mei dinner (neh the day bz whole day, how to go wor)
Week 6 – Sprained neck
Week 7 – Stabbed thigh
Week 8 – Flu like dead dog
Week 9 – Lazy :P
Week 10 – Will I go?
Wow, weeks flies man! Not totally my fault. I mean, its cause most occasion falls on Sat night mah! Friday nite may be too rushing for ppl after work and Sun nite ppl rest to work/ study on Mon liaw. Also, the place is a bit far la… And also my favourite cousin is not around to motivate me to go. ;P Haha… So many reasons… seems like I’m not going anytime soon. But I will have to go to return the squash racket and VCDs.
Weekend over…. And so here I am back in this office. When am I changing department??? Not that I hate here, but I don’t love it to death either… How? So far, the PE not much to do yet. I wonder why? Unless I’m spos to check the task folder every now and then. But I daren’t cos that’s SS not mine so I scared I ter-peep sumthing confidential or wat. He said Lg spos to pass me mar. So, I think I’d better wait or ask Lg.
As u may have realized, I have no photos that were taken on my own in my blog. Mainly, I am blogging from office, my only source of communication to the outside world besides my handphone. My house STILL NO LINE! Telecolm is very efficient. And they say need to fulfill the minimum quota before they can setup whatever needed for tel line. There’s like at least 30 – 30 families in already ok? And it’s not like my house is in the middle of NO WHERE… Opposite the 2 lane road oredi got a fully occupied housing area! 1 minute up that road got a whole lot of international companies / factories (free industrial zone). 3 minutes down the road u got Tabuan Jaya old, semi new, new… Song Rd…. Its like 15 minutes from the airport. And there are so many new housing area around that I dunno their names. Boulevard, Woodlands, erm.. Drive Avenue, North Height, Esco Ville… blah blah BLA ok?? Can’t you (Telecolm) see that it’s a crowded (and going to be even more) area where telephone lines are essential?
Wow, weeks flies man! Not totally my fault. I mean, its cause most occasion falls on Sat night mah! Friday nite may be too rushing for ppl after work and Sun nite ppl rest to work/ study on Mon liaw. Also, the place is a bit far la… And also my favourite cousin is not around to motivate me to go. ;P Haha… So many reasons… seems like I’m not going anytime soon. But I will have to go to return the squash racket and VCDs.
Weekend over…. And so here I am back in this office. When am I changing department??? Not that I hate here, but I don’t love it to death either… How? So far, the PE not much to do yet. I wonder why? Unless I’m spos to check the task folder every now and then. But I daren’t cos that’s SS not mine so I scared I ter-peep sumthing confidential or wat. He said Lg spos to pass me mar. So, I think I’d better wait or ask Lg.
As u may have realized, I have no photos that were taken on my own in my blog. Mainly, I am blogging from office, my only source of communication to the outside world besides my handphone. My house STILL NO LINE! Telecolm is very efficient. And they say need to fulfill the minimum quota before they can setup whatever needed for tel line. There’s like at least 30 – 30 families in already ok? And it’s not like my house is in the middle of NO WHERE… Opposite the 2 lane road oredi got a fully occupied housing area! 1 minute up that road got a whole lot of international companies / factories (free industrial zone). 3 minutes down the road u got Tabuan Jaya old, semi new, new… Song Rd…. Its like 15 minutes from the airport. And there are so many new housing area around that I dunno their names. Boulevard, Woodlands, erm.. Drive Avenue, North Height, Esco Ville… blah blah BLA ok?? Can’t you (Telecolm) see that it’s a crowded (and going to be even more) area where telephone lines are essential?
Had finally gotten my house address! Hehe, have been telling ppl I dunno my house official address. I am still reach-able at the old address, but not so secure d mah since I dun live there. Later lost la, wat la... Erm, so if u need my new address just lemme know ok? Email, friendster or wat oso can. :)
So wat has blogging from office got to do with not having pic/photo of my own?
10 things to know about my company *ahem*:
- No storage media allowed (inc diskettes, USB, handrive, portable HD, CDR etc…)
- No camera / camera phone / anything u can take photo/ video with.
- All process of storing / saving info / documents can only be done by department secretary.
- All corners got this camera turning 360 degrees spying on you (except toilet cubicles).
- All doors (and I mean ALL) can only be accessed if you swipe your card. The only door without swipe system is the door of a toilet cubicle. Your other alternative, is break the small glass pane and activate the company alarm.
- If it’s your first time in the lift, you are in for a ‘surprise’. But no worries, the lift is not about to crash down (and even if it does, its only 3 storey high). It jerks like it’s suffering Parkinson all the way up (and you pray like mad) and when it reaches; it jolts about few inches above the precise level, before dipping down to the correct level. All that comes with the sound effect, which makes you wish that you had taken the stairs in the first place (besides developing potential heart attack while at it). All in all, it’s a ride in a lifetime (try at least one before you decide you are not fit), esp when you are not prepared for it (early morning still half awake) and there are no straps or anitin to grip onto.
- Open your bags and show guards everything inside your bag when you swipe out company. They want to see absolutely EVERYTHING (checking for storage devices and camera phones).
- Stop at inspection point every time you drive pass security point for vehicle inspection. Open your vehicle’s storage compartment too.
- And if it’s raining, please register your umbrella at the security, it is not allowed inside.
- Lastly, and the big trademark of this company is, walk (and work) like the path is in midair and is falling off every step behind you, and you are about to be eaten by a monster (or worse if the monster decides to play with its food).
Your Dream Engagement Ring Has a Heart Diamond! |
![]() You wear your heart on your sleeve, so of course you should also wear it on your ring. A heart diamond is the perfect choice for highlighting your passionate disposition. Only a true romantic can get away with wearing this ring. Luckily, that's you. And only a true romantic can give you this ring, so make sure you find him...! |
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