The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking

You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.
You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.

You should major in:

Foreign language

Yeah, everything but what I am really taking... But really, if I had more freedom I would choose in the order of:

Philosophy> Theology>Music>Foreign Language> History>Art>Engineering... ;)


Rain said...

Erm, I'm not sure if I'm of much help. You mean you wanna contact badminton fans? As you can see under 'interests' side panel those are the sites I usually visit for Badminton news. As I am frm Msia I usually visit BAM wic is Badminton Assocation of Msia. I guess u can try Badminton Central as they cover news on fans too but I'm not too sure if you can contact them. You can try asking the sites authority if they have a fans forum or something. Good Luck with your work! :)

Anonymous said...

eh....seems like u oso not very like engineering le...haha

Rain said...

Hmmm I like it but not as much as my curiousity for Philosophy, etc... I guess I'm a very curious person, always want to question the fact.. :P But then, if i take such courses to satisfy my curiousity, then next time have to eat grass loh..