Mew Choo, golden girl
Commonwealth athletes have just some of the funniest name. I forgot the others, but I’d never forget this. Prince Octopus?! Ahahah.. Gosh, and they even joked about his ‘tentacles’. The rest are quite hilarious too but surprisingly I can’t remember any. I burst out laughing reading the news, and others thought I was kind of crazy. I have the tendency to laugh out loud if the thing I’m reading/ viewing is funny. I cannot really suppress my laughs. -_-
I’m dropping dead in front of my monitor anytime. I’m on the second quarter of Q1 review. Gosh! I hope I’m insured for this kind of death. Haha… Then I went to the junk shop to get some sweets to straighten my brains out. And of all the choices or should I say choice left, was the milk sweet. Yeah, milk… Those of you aware of my fussy taste will know what I mean. Well, at least it’s not tea or coffee sweets. Arghh… But I had to do with it since my brains threatened big time failure anytime.
Well, the hot HOT news in 1Si is that it is going to merge with (wait,… Ok, I don’t think it’s confidential, so I can go on) a Germany based company, X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries AG. Everyone is going around inventing possible names like… 1st X, Silicon X, X silicon, XSi (sounds weird, try say in Hokkian)… haha… Well, the rest of news of the merging thing is boring so I’ll spare you…
Last night I had a bad dream. Well, no, it’s not actually bad. It just made me do something that hurt me. I think I have stopped badminton for too long that in the dream, I was suppose to be playing badminton but, somehow it doesn’t seem like badminton to me. I mean we are playing with shuttlecocks with our hands only, no racquet. Then I was trying to smash (yeah, with a bare hand) and I did to. And then I woke up in pain, because in real life I smashed my hand into the wall. *OuchOUchOUCH** My fingers went numb with pain. But then I was too sleepy so I fell asleep again in the midst of enduring the bone-pain. Hmmph!
Well, actually, last night I was kind of frustrated (before going to bed). Felt the anger in myself that was really hard to contain. It’s kind of a long time since I felt that feeling, pure real anger (which won’t die down). I think my anger was boiling at few thousands degree. My head was actually heating up. I kept telling myself to shut up, because if I opened my mouth I’m going to kill everyone with my words (even the innocent ones). SO I did. And I went to bed as soon as I reached home cause I don’t know how much longer I can stay dumb. But it’s kind of hard to fall asleep when you’re all heated up. I guess it makes you kind of kinesthetic? Flip here, flip there, punch here, punch there, until I fell asleep.
Sometimes people take your silence, obedience, patience, tolerance, help, etc. forgranted. No, I’m not asking for any reward or what. But I ask that to have my basic rights. I had planned to get it done last night. And I waited for last night so very patiently even though the thing was just too urgent. But someone just had to give me another alternative which I knew wouldn’t work. Nevertheless, I never tried before so I can’t be 100% sure so I agreed. When I reached and worked, I knew I’d never get my urgent case done. The worse part is, he knew it all along but just wanted some benefit for himself so made me use his alternative. It’s like the most important thing in my life, okay, not most, maybe second after…. Anyway, I’m just so pissed. There, I’ve used the word I’d never used yet in my life. PISSED off. But I only kept silent. I think it showed, but as usual he took it forgranted, which is also good cause I’m not really in the explaining mood (and I never am an explaining person, you figure it out, or you don’t, you can think or say whatever you want, it’s not my problem). But I did not want to blame him so the anger and frustration boiled inside me and at one point I thought I was going to behead myself. Really, I wanted to pluck my stupid head off my neck, but well, I didn’t cause it wouldn’t come off. ;P I wasted the whole night of meticulous efforts, but came out with nothing. At least if I can’t use this alternative, I could have went back to my original alternative but he wanted me to stay and time was ticking fast so it was not sufficient even if I had ran off. Or even I could have gone home and catch up with some sleep I so very need. But because I was with him, I had to put up with the entire ‘package’ and waste my whole night. And now, I’ve to dig up another schedule to rework the case. Okay while relating last night experience, it does bring up some anger, but now I think it has died. *Smile ~ anger gone*
Tip to people out there: Don’t try to get me talking when I’m angered because only poison will come out, not words. I can keep them sealed but if you keep poking me, it might just erupt.
The saying that applies to me when I’m in that level of anger could not be said any better. No man is an island, but (when I'm angry) I am no man! Haha… Yeah, back off… for your own safety mah. Okayla, I don’t usually go into that kind of anger. That’s why it’s kind of hard to deal with it. But well, last night’s was pretty well kept right? He still got what he wanted, I just lost one night. Arggh, don’t talk about time, cause it’s one thing I’m always short of, which makes it unbearable when someone waste it for me! Well looking at the bright side, at least he’s happy. I guess I will just have to dig up another time.
Some songs will just make you smile, anytime, anywhere. This morning I heard one of S.H.E old song on radio while driving and it immediately made me smile. It reminded me of a joker guy I know last time. He’s the pretty happy go lucky guy. So naïve, so ‘innocent’, so carefree. How nice. He pretty much always clears up the mess in my complicated life. I always wished I could live his simple life. *Sigh* The grass is always greener on the other side huh? Anyway we kind of lost contact. I think. I mean, I think we still have each other’s contact but we just didn’t keep in touch. Well, that’s why memories are valuable right?
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