The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...

Friday, March 03, 2006

Gardening, Moobella and PRIUS

I’ve always learn a lot from my Dad. Well, recently he’s into gardening (actually he’s always into but no time for it). So when he saw his precious plants dying few days back (attacked by a white colour virus which sticks to the back of the leaf and flies around), he asked me to spray them with the remedy he prepared, which happens to be detergent (powder type) mixed with water! And checking back at them last nite, it worked well. The plant is now a healthy shade of fresh green. I obviously do no inherit his passion or wisdom in this case (and many others too actually). But I’ll always remember what he says, “Talk to the plant and they’ll tell you more than you can learn from the books.” It’s not dat I don’t want to listen, but plants are ok, soils are so-so, and worms/bugs/insects are NO-NO!!!

Was reading Fortune magazine (dunno wic edition) and came over this interesting article (since I quite like ice-cream). Moobella, is a machine like any other food/ drinks dispenser, but is meant for…. yes, you got it… for ICE-CREAM!!! It makes ice cream within 45 seconds (about $2/$2.5 per cup) of any flavour (12 options) and any mixed in (choc chip, nuts, walnuts, cookies and cream etc) u desire. It has LCD touchpad for user to input their order. And most of all it’s freshly made! It’s even completed with a nutrition calculator ready to analyze ur order’s nutrition facts. For more info, click here.

Moobella: 45 seconds to your freshly made favourite ice-cream

Toyota has yet introduced another hit car to the automobile market worldwide. Toyota PRIUS; sleek car with high-tech-look design. The car has this slogan promoting it: So advance, it makes the future seem obsolete. I personally, don’t know much about cars (told you I don’t inherit a lot, if any from Dad). But this one looks real nice. It’s a combination of a gas engine and an emissions-free electric motor (essential for our much polluted world) to achieve amazing fuel economy (with the price hike of fuel I bet this is the most important feature now)! And apparently, there’s special tax deduction for PRIUS customers (not sure if it applies to all). And all that at the price of mere $21,725! But, this may fly high once the car enters M’sian market. You can check here for more info as I’m not very good at detailing the performance, size, safety features etc.

Prius: Toyota's latest hit

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