The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

State Election

Thanks to staring at the monitor for as long as I am awake, I begin to see it even with my eyes close. Had a hard time falling asleep last night. Plus, my dogs were having fun playing catch among themselves. I'm a very light sleeper thus the slightest noise disrupts my sleep. And then, I even thought I heard someone stapling away in the night....? Hmmmph... God knows what time I actually fell asleep but the last time I checked my handphone time was 1 or 2 am.

I'm really putting aside my blog nowadays as the things I have in my hands are more than enough to occupy my time. But if I didn't blog today, it may stay dead for the whole week... Tomorrow I'm taking leave, Thursday too...

Am I nervous to take the test? I'm not sure... Yet I do not know what I need to do to prepare for it. I have no books whatsoever just 2 sheets of notes that looked pretty boring to me. Well, let's hope luck is on my side and I'd better ace it otherwise...

Sarawak state election is over. I'm actually already legal to vote but they said that since I only registered this time, my vote will only be counted next election. Politics, I'm not exactly very interested in it. But well, I heard from most grown ups (as in those older than me) say that this time though BN still won, but the opposition too won quite a number of seats. Maybe it's time the government treat us better ALL the time, instead of 'bribing' us during election periods into voting for them. People are begining to awake and it seems that Sarawak is heading towards the opposition (DAP) direction. Who can blame them? The government doesn’t need an emergency meeting discussing what went wrong for them to lose so many seats. The fact is right in front of them. But I also foresee the opposition will never win outright of BN if they never combine the ethnic oriented oppositions into one strong one to represent Sarawak and NOT Malaysia. Siapa yang maken cili, dia yang rasa pedas, so I'd not bother to comment on what we were forfeit of from the current government. But my bottom line is, whoever wins the thing, I'm not so bothered, but please don't let Keadilan take over. You may not love the government but there are many more parties, don't blindly vote. Keadilan's state sample like Kelantan is definitely not somewhere I look forward to live in. Otherwise, I still continue to appreciate whoever governing, because, we do live in a peaceful homeland afterall. And for that, we should remember to thank them in our prayers every night.

For anyone interested, the full election result can be obtained


Anonymous said...

Too bad I didn't get back in time to register. Hehe.

Rain said...

Heh... don't need to register personally one. My dad helped me when the people were out 'bribing' for votes.. ahaha

Anonymous said...

i not even registered yet haha

Rain said...

U not patriotic.. :P

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.