Some really cool 'mice' we have here... I like this fishbone the most. Haha... reminds me of my roomate aka lou ma zi. :P
This one also quite nice. Though I wonder if it's comfortable to grip for long hours...
This one, em sai kong, for (certain) ladies who can never have enough of mirrors and make up.

haha u seems like always like to surf net for weird weird n nice picture, hehe So eng meh? haha Havent finish practical?
Haha... actually all the pics are sent to me ones... I not so eng go surf for funny pics... Practical ending quite soon. Very scared leh.. haven't prepare my final presentation... arghh...
presentation at 1st silicon or presentation bout ur practical when back to uni?
Presentation about my practical when my uni SV come to my host company loh...
wow, still got like tad 1 ah? haha My is jz nid to write 1 report for both uni n the company. N u noe wat, i jz write for uni, din send back to the company even the manager asked me but i dun k hahaha..coz some of the fact i simply change so not dare send back to company hahaha...n they say the report send to uni 1, they wont read de as long as got do practical n send report tats it hehe...:P anyway, Gud luck for yea presentation hehe
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
Thanks for support :)
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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