The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...

Saturday, August 12, 2006

It's been Ages~

Whoops~ I have been abandoning this blog since the last week of my internship due to the 'high' time back then. Hehe... Back in campus already, back to the sleep at 3am routine... -_-" Back with the same crap students life have, I shall spare the mentioning of the workload.

So what's been significant? Err... It's final year, so it's definitely one significant year. If I was counting down to when my internship was ending a month ago, right now I'm counting to the day I graduate. I doubt even God knows how much I 'love' my Uni life. ;)

Right, I don't have much to say, just updating because there has been some 'annoying' flies telling me my blog is dying or rather dead... Well, what can I say? I don't even check mails nowadays, unless it's official mail so well you guys can spare me all the forwarded friendship relationship etc etc kinda mails because everytime I log in to check for important mails I just trash them away. I'm not being harsh but there's really no space for them and DEFINITELY no time for me to read all that... There are so much more important and interesting things to do. :P Sorry but well, I guess I should thank all friends that did spare time to forward me a mail? Komapsumnida and Mianhamnida!

Till, then let's see how long the next drought will be... ;D


Anonymous said...

haha, finally c ur post hehe
i back to uni d la, u final year, i final sem lo hehe Also counting for the day to graduate but when tinking of working life....urgh...stil tink i prefer uni life at least can do watever we want n we just nid to study tats all...but dun tink i like it so much now that every nite have to stay til 3 or 4 am (not only u, m doing my final year project as well...weekly presentation imgaine tat) haha anyway, u take k n gud luck

Rain said...

Haha I think urs sounds worse, weekly presentation?!? Painful man... hehe... So well, good luck in ur presentation as well! :D