The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Max Max~

I have a feeling that my blog is dangerously falling into a long deep coma, so I’d better update it whenever I can, like now. Hehe… Erm, not much of happening lately, or even if there is I’m too lazy to recall. Yeah, busy and snappy lately. Have you ever heard of anyone twisting their neck when sneezing, immobilizing their head for a week? No? Okay… No, no I’ve not heard of it too, just asking out of curiosity. Oh, I got another puppy! He’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen! Okay, puppies are usually cute, I know, but I just love this one so much. His name is Max, but we usually call him Max Max, cause he just so tiny and cute~! Oh, he’s one crazy dog when he’s not in the playful mood. God, his (playful & crazy) bites hurt! I am seriously suspecting he sharpens his fangs everyday. Okay short update, but well, better than nothing. Haha… *ouch* Note to self: Not to jerk head when laughing.


Anonymous said...

long time din read ur blog d coz busy hehe...lucky u din update much too heart like pump out too when i watch that lee chong wei on the final, mayb realy got magic in badminton hehe...anyway, i back in kch lo..u still here ah? take k yea c yea hehe

Rain said...

Aha god knows how long ago you posted this comment.... Haven updated since once upon a time in prehistoric...! :P U're bk in kch ar? Wonder if u r still there? Hehe I'm back in campus... well obviously la from ym latest post.. hehe.. u take k too :)