The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Max Max~
Monday, June 19, 2006
Ada Magik Dalam Badminton
Literally translated: There’s Magic in Badminton. Lee Chong Wei is my Badminton Idol from now on!!! Yeah, he’s the man! Gosh, He scored 6 points straight not making a single mistake to catch up and BEAT Lin Dan. I was very frustrated thinking he was losing but Chong Wei proves that he’s the Magic in badminton as the commentator said. Wow… every point he got after lagging 6 points from Lin Dan who was one point away from the match point, I was jumping up in the air and my brother claimed the whole of TJB2 could hear my shouts. -_-“ And note to self: that I should wear thick mittens next time I watch, my palms were so numb and aching after the Chong Wei vs Lin Dan game due to too much vicious clapping.
Luckily I wasn’t at the stadium. Anyway, I was too occupied these days to realize that M’sian Open was in Kuching!! (cries and bawls). Anyway, I hope Chong Wei will continue to improve and be ranked world number one and MAINTAIN the title for some time if not a long, long time. :D
Okay I felt a tad sorry for Lin Dan, he’s quite leng zai. I don’t know why he reminds me of Jay Chow but I don’t think Jay Chow is good looking yet I think Lin Dan is good looking? Weird. Pity he lost, but well I still prefer Chong Wei :P Arghh.. then I forgot to watch the doubles cuase I was rushing with my darn slides.
*God* Blame it all on the presentation on today. Grrhhh, I never had the idea how tedious making slides is especially when you have an even more tedious wafer making, SPC, and reliability concept to insert WITHOUT falling asleep. Gosh…
Okay, the presentation sucks, I was rambling off theories that were obviously making everyone yawn and myself dying of boredom. Though all my 1Si SVs congratulated my excellent job after Ms. Suhaila left, I don’t know I have a feeling that it wasn’t great. Well, it’s cause I forgot this darn formula on Cpk. Argghhh!!! How come I didn’t know Ms. Suhaila was a Prob & Stats tutor!!! I didn’t think she would be interested in SPC so I paid more attention to the REL tests and tools. Arghhh….. Gosh there goes my hope for IT to pull up my grades.
God, I’m so lack of sleep. But I’m just glad the darn presentation is over. Now, I’ve time to blog after like… 2 weeks? Haha…
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Okay, I flipped open my handphone today, and it showed me 06/06/06. Nice number, so I decided to blog. Haha okay, it’s a lame reason, but well, I’ve been quite lazy to blog so it’s time to make up, especially now that I’m using office time.
Let’s see, (tracking back) okay, there’s this long Gawai + weekend break, so we had a total of 4 days to laze. Been occupied, and no I’m not hau lien okay :P , I really can’t make it for all those call-on-the-day appointments and meet up since the schedules are arranged well beforehand… And I guess I’ve seen more than enough of colorful layered cakes…
Then my black dog went missing some day within the 4 (forgot which) so my maid and sis went on a mission to hunt him back. He usually returns after wandering around for an hour or so, but it was nearly lunch I think, and he’s not back yet. I couldn’t be bothered. Yeah, I’m the cold-blooded owner… Haha… Was busy la… Suddenly heard my sis shriek “Ah! Hola!” (dog’s name), and then she laughed like mad woman so I shook the piles off me and went to see. The stupid dog fell into the big deep drain in front and he didn’t make a sound. FYI, my dogs are stupid and hardly make a sound. He was sitting there… eww.. so dirty… the drains quite clean, but he’s dirtier than usual mah… Then my maid had to take the 2 meter high ladder to go down to pick that stupid dog up. Sigh…
Okay then there’s this time I was waiting for Myemma but she never appeared. So I SMSed her say “Come back, chop head”… Then when Myemma arrived she said her handphone was lost… *gasp* So she borrowed my phone to SMS her phone to ask whoever picked it up to return with reward la… I totally forgot about my beheading SMS… Haha… Imagine whoever picked it up and read “Come back, chop head”…
Anyway, Myemma’s really, really lucky because the guy who picked it up decided to return it to her. *Wow* Then SPL reminded me my name on Myemma’s handphone was… well something else. Lucky I didn’t need to go meet the guyla, cause I’m working, Myemma went to get it back herself.
Ok… Actually I’m blogging cause I’ve got brain block for what I’m suppose to be working on. But I guess if I don’t face it the block’s going to be permanent… So that’s all this time.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Winter Rainbow
Original Design
Edited Design to portray role significance
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Summer Angel