Rain or Shine
The rains and sunshines of my life: Budding, blooming, and withering...
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
New Rain or Shine!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006
Dinner time
Last night I went out with Fish to go see doctor cause the flu bug was killing me. Apparently my virus was so 'keng' it infected YP within my 5 seconds chat with her and then she infected D3, as for ET, I duno how she got it but well, she was fluish as well.
It was raining cats and dogs, and chickens and ducks, my gosh so hard to drive esp the road was so dark with no streetlights (at certain parts). Unluckily, the clinic was not open due to unknown reasons since the card says its spos to open from 7-9pm on Sundays... So we turned back slowly in the dark and the solid rain to go tapau dinner from Tronoh.
The Tronoh alley is especially dark and deserted (this is saying something since it is usually already quite dark and deserted). So I drove and turned according to Fish's direction to the shop we wanted to tapau from. Then I saw they had this extension out blocking the road, and I wondered how I could pass over it since the shop is after the blocked shop. I still had no idea of what was going on cos it was silent, dark, glooomy until suddenly a hand tap my shoulders from the backseat and a spooky voice said '棺材!'.
I jumped a little! haha... It immediately registered in my mind that someone had passed away and the whole extension, road block was due to that... -_-" How slow I am haha... Fish was sitting at the back seat cos the front seat was drenched with rain, yeah it was that heavy...
So Fish called my Tai Lou to ask where they go eat since the whole Tronoh street was dead... and I continued slowly maneuvering my car out of the dark street without having to pass the 'occasion' since I got quite frightened after being 'tapped' by Fish. Fish was talking quite normally until suddenly she shouted 'CHOI, CHOI, CHOI!"
Yeah as u guessed, poor sick and drowsy and drenched me was shocked once again, since she was sitting at the middle of the backseat and shouting by my left ear. IT's a wonder we didn't have any accidents. *touch wood*
So we joined RT at Tian Tian for dinner (we tapau). CMP said I looked fine except for my lips that were so white they look dead. (I suspect half of the 'paleness' was due to the 2 shocks) haha... Fish and I did not discuss what Tai Lou said that she suddenly shouted in the car cause we both felt it was too 'creepy' to discuss it in the dark dead street. So when we finally sat at the bright, alive coffee shop, I asked Fish what Tai Lou said.
Fish Q was something like "Where you guys eat, shops here all closed boh?"
I guessed RT said "Don't tell me you want to eat with the dead meh?"
What RT actually said "All Tronoh people die d... We eat at Tian Tian"
Then last night at 1am I finally got my hands on the last set of PSU notes thanks to GCC. Haha... Test 2 days away and I just photostated the notes... -_-" GCC said my lips were white, so it kinda confirmed CMP was not exaggerating, he asked me to go GH, haha but no I was not that sick...
Dinner here, mum-mum first :D
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Summary of the busy times
Oh I remember it was the week in hell for meeee... Gosh, I can't rmr anymore and I don't think I want to recall... I only rmr dragging my SV in her office until Saturday evening haha... I rmr the rain, I rmr watching the rain when Block 22 was totally empty with no one and only pure rain falling, it was a really beautiful scenery, and I wanted to walk in it but too bad I was waiting for my SV. By the time my discussion with my SV was over, the rain had stopped...well to drizzles...
Then, let's see, I've cheated my way through FYP... Basically, it's what I feared most this whole semester! I thought I was going to be bombarded during the presentation! Haha... Anyway, 'luckily' for me I got the internal examiner who, even my supervisor was afraid of...
I wasn't so scared and was in fact quite happy I got him cause he's not expert in DSP so I know I will have a better time 'crapping' my presentation. But when I submitted my final report, the technician, senior (final sem), and my supervisor finally told me the truth about him! Apparently he's the hardest to kao tim punya lecturer! Gosh, I was so nervous then... Anyway, it turned out to be 50% like what I expected and 50% like what the rest of them tried to scare me before my presentation. Yeah, he does try to make life hard for me, but because he's not very familiar with my topic as well, so he couldn't ask much, or I could quite answer his questions anyway. So yeah, thanks for the 'scare' cos it motivated me to be more prepared... :D
Then, after FYP it would be finals already. So far I only have had one paper. The next is PSU which I'm sooo scared of cause I've been flunking it whole semester. -_-" Now, I tried reading the whole semester's scope, it seems quite tough! So I'm sacrificing my third subject to strengthen my PSU... *cries*
During finals, while studying I will get distracted by the smallest thing. Haha... Well, at least I'm very distracted if any bugs fly near me! I'm super scared of them. So that fateful night, this stupid bug caused me to injure my feet! Yeah, how is that possible?!?
I had already ran out of the room once, but the bug disappeared when Fish chased after it. Then just as I was about to sit down again, I heard the 'buzzing' noise so near me. Though I couldn't see where it was, I just jumped and (I'm not sure what happened next cause I just felt pain). The next thing I know is Fish was looking at me with shocked expression. I pained to silence - no screaming. I think it was written all over my face. Hugging my foot I still hopped far away (now u know how scared of bugs I am). Then I look at my foot. My nail was somehow broken and the little toe's flesh was somehow sliced in the middle and of course blood.. haha flowing... I guess Fish was basically shock how I could get such a deep cut by just jumping up my seat. Don't ask me I also duno where I cut my toe at. It's been nearly two weeks and there's still blood clot there, skin hasn't grow (the Doc did advice me to not get injured easily cause I have slow skin growth while recovering from it).
Okay, I will still add on eventhough it's already so long. Haha... Recently, I just realized, somethings if it doesn't fit, it just isn't meant to be no matter how many times you tried! Haha, I duno where you're thinking to now, but everyone will have their own thinking! hehe... Haha, sounds like the step sisters of Cinderella trying the glass shoe of Cinderella, it just didn't fit...
You see, I used to really admire this really nice pair of shoes - em, I think that's the wrong way to put it. I should say, the shoes... erm kinda seem to go along with my feet when I see it. This pair of shoes unfortunately is an overseas brand. But you know, it is the kind of shoes that your parents would approve of, not too wild/modern or abnormal etc for their liking. In fact, it is the type that is customary to their taste. :)
But well, when I tried the shoes on my feet, it felt warm, felt comfortable, it did all that a pair of shoes could do. Gives the best protection, walking comfort, softness, etc... But somehow when I take my first step it it, my feet just complained. @_@ Haha... I ask my feet "What's not nice about it? It gives whatever a pair of shoes should!" So I finally find out, this pair of shoes is probably not my type. Maybe I prefer sneakers, and this shoes is probably a pair of heels that I will never get used to walking with.
Last note, I'm so looking forward to holidays, though tonnes of MYR work is awaiting me. I can foresee another holiday with me working like crazy and before I know it, the next sem arrived again! *At least its the last sem, I'm near the end so I can't give up!*
Oh, this sem I found out another weird point about myself. Most friends know I don't drink tea, coffee, milk. So when people usually drink coffee to stay awake for studies, I ahve nothing! -_-" But recently I realized milk has effect on me! Gosh for the effect of staying up, nowadays I force myself to drink chocolate milk. And then my stomach will go *rumbling and crazy* cos it can;t take milk, but it kinda keep me awake... -_-"
Friday, November 17, 2006
还有,就是我实在不喜欢也不习惯别人替我拿注意。别说什么说谎是为我好(耳朵都听到烂了!),难道你比我还要了解我自己吗? 也许有些人会希望你骗她一辈子,但我并不是那些人,我要的就只有真实。你要是没打算把真实给我,那别的也免了。
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Break In Karma

It was 7pm wen I went out of my room to make dinner and then I looked at the kitchen that was a bit messed up. I tot DD (my apartment mate), was in a hurry when making dinner so it was messed up a bit (though I did think it is unusual since she's quite neat and hygienic). So I din care much and went on for my own dinner and took it into my room to eat while watching TVB Forensic Heroes. Haha...
After dinner, I went out again and had a shock of my life. The kitchen look like it had a food fight or animal rampaging through. I know DD is a neat and clean person and so I shout to her to come out. She ran out of her room and saw the kitchen. We were both staring at the kitchen and at each other, duno wat to say. Even the frigde top was spilled with food. YUCK!

Only one unoccupied room - the last room, so we wanted to check but scared at the same time kena belasah or wat, so she took the broom I took the mop, OMG, I feel like I've just walked into Forensic Heroes episode 26 (tip: FH only got 25 episodes). We poke the door open and on the lights, no one inside. Buthen later we became scared and din dare to go into the room and check, we only look from outside. So we decided to lock the room (which was stupid cos it can be unlocked if the person is inside, but can't be unlocked by us since we're outside) and go to find the security guard.
Later the security guard assure us she will walk around our apartment and gave us contact number in case anything happen. Then DD went to the washroom and find some of her toiletries missing, like toothbrush shampoo etc. Mine was ok, but I duno about our housemates' since we duno what they have in the first place...
So it was confirmed that it is a person, not a cat since cats won't be interested in shampoos... Plus it seems unlikely for a UTPian to steal someone's toothbrush! So I have a feeling it might be foreign construction workers though the guard told us at night no construction workers.

Last night I was scared and couldn't really sleep haha... Cause we live on first floor which people could climb in easily through the window since there are not bars or anything. DD keep hearing 'sounds' haha make me even more nervous. Oh yeah, since both of us so scared, she moved to sleep in my room. We're going to stay in same room until our housemates come back!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Breaking In~
Last few days I suffered major-ly without net connection! Thanks to some tip from GCC I tried to break into the IT room but, yeah I’m not born for it. First I tried the card trick which didn’t work (not for me la, maybe I dunoe how to use oso, ppl always claim it work, but HOW?!?). Then I climbed over the railings to try prying open the window. Just as I was almost successful getting the first window open, I heard an apartment’s door closing. SHIT it was the Mak Guard. Quicker than lightning I climbed over the railing again (thank god for my agility, haha).
She saw me anyway and asked, “Why did you climb into the pit?”
I was like, ‘OMG, what to say?’ and smiled stupidly at her.
Then she said, “You went to pickup your thing?” Maybe lots of others did that too… So I nodded gratefully at the lie she offered me. I was wondering how come I didn’t think of that excuse. Haha… Then, I was kinda panic cos I know she’s gonna ask what I drop soon. But she went on, saying luckily can pickup, how did I drop my stuff etc. Then it came, she asked what I dropped.
I was so panic my hand just picked up whatever was in my pocket and out came my car keys. She looked surprised that I dropped my keys and turned back to the pit wondering how my keys could’ve dropped there. I think she expected my clothes was dried in the balcony above. But having innocent face serves some good here! Sumore, I was having my old specs on which made me look nerdy, so totally unlike someone who would even think of breaking in the IT room to get the sever running. She didn’t doubt for long then asked about my hols.
*Phew* So I didn’t dare to go bk to try the IT room window again cos if anything happen she would surely suspect me. That’s why I’ve to suffer net-less days, while other UTPians can surf happily! Arghhh!
Monday, October 16, 2006
When you've nothing better to do...
So the steps are:
1. Put your music player on shuffle
2. Press forward for each question
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question
Btw, I chose a short playlist, so there were kinda limited songs, and it repeated towards the end... :P
1. How am I feeling today?
Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni
2. Where will I get married?
Tong Hua - Michael Wong
3. What is my best friend's theme song?
Ai Yi Jin - Lam Fung
4. What was high school like?
Bie Guai Ta (Bit Kuai Ta) - Ron Ng
5. What is the best thing about me?
You Yong De Ren
6. How is today going to be?
Kuai Le Tian Tang
*Spits blood... Yeah rite~ I can so feel the sarcasm...
7. What is in store for this weekend?
Da Hai - Zhang Yu Sheng
*I wish
8. What song describes my parents?
Wo Bi Xiang Xiang Zhong Ai Ni - JS
*Oww... Haha
9. How is my life going?
Lan Hua Cao
10. What song will they play at my funeral?
Kuan Yu Ni De Ge - Li Sheng Jie
*THIS IS GETTING FREAKY - everything is kinda accurate/related @_@ But I wud love ppl to play that song at my funeral haha...
11. How does the world see me?
Xi Chu Yang Guang - Ah Du
12. What do my friends really think of me?
Bu Yao Yi Wei Zi Ji Mei You Yong
*OK, I'll try
13. Do people secretly lust after me?
Ni Na Me Ai Ta - Li Sheng Jie
*Cough Cough
14. How can I make myself happy?
Gei Tian Shi Kan De Xi
*:D - Love Angels
15. What should I do with my life?
Yi Qian Ling Yi Ye
16. Will I ever have children?
Bie Guai Ta
*Haha.. Nothing to say
17. What is some good advice?
Hui You Tian Shi Ti Wo Ai Ni
18. What do I think my current theme song is?
Gei Tian Shi Kan De Xi
19. What does everyone else think about my current life?
Da Hai - Zhang Yu Sheng
*Haha, I think they agree
20. What type of style men do you like?
Xi Chu Yang Guang - Ah Du
21. Will you get married?
Ai Yi Jin
23. Where will you live?
Wo Bi Xiang Xiang Zhong Ai Ni
24. What will your dying words be?
Lan Hua Cao
25. When I'm having sex I say…
Tong Hua
26. When I meet a guy/lady for the first time I say…
Yi Qian Ling Yi Ye
27. When my parents are angry I say…
You Yong De Ren
Haha, Good Break, Okay, Back to MADLAB. @_@
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
What - it's my net problem!
Hmmh, I duno, mebe it's harder to blog wen you're not in the mood for it, is super-sonicly busy and the net connection is there to challenge your patience...
Ahem, I'm *supposed* to be studying for test, otherwise, do my FYP that is drowning in the drain, or do something to the MYR host that is failing every other day! Urghh...
Yes, really mooncake dinner, NOT mooncake festival dinner celebration, I had mooncake for dinner! It's like someone in heaven knows I didn't have dinner, then for 2 nights in a row, people send mooncake to my doorstep when I was about to rush to kitchen to dig out watever possible to be dinner... Wow, sumtimes u just appreciate that so much! Yeah, it's really surprising, both nights, just as I was about to die of hunger and want to find dinner, people hold mooncake before me! At the same moment you know haha... Was kinda busy, and I had half a mooncake for dinner for two days... but after that I dun think I ever want to touch mooncake anymore... SO SWEET!!! Not until next year la...
Ok, Let me recall, oh yes, the 'interview', gosh it seems so not funny now that I have a million things to do but well, ok, here's the story:
(1) Lying - not my thing (not that I don't want it to be :P)
Back then (forgot when but not so long ago), we were having our final presentation for our lab, kinda critical since our circuit doesn't work at all, we were just poking the wires here and there hoping for it to miraculously work, but honestly in the end, the demonstrator was demonstrating to us more than us to him. During this time, this bunch of my groupmates, whom I'm not so close to (cause I took diff specialization than other familiar friends), gave me this funny look and stammered sumthing. Then, one of them asked me (censored since it involves another's reputation :P). Well, since it's not really concerning me, but they're curious to know from me cause I'm close to the person, I just said, "Ask (the person) directly."
Honestly, I'm the worst liar on earth (not that I've not tried), I think people know straight away if I even attempt, so to avoid unnecessary discomfort and humiliation of myself while trying to 'lie', usually I will just advice people to ask the person directly or just keep quiet. haha... I don't know, lying is just not my thing. I remember once I was all prepared with the 'fake' experiment results to be shown to the demo, but because of my 'superb' lying skills, my whole group was 'interviewed' by the lab demonstrator about the ‘fake’ results, haha I guess they know they just sent the wrong representative to talk... One of the members gave me the look, "how bad a liar can you be to not even able to lie as little as that?" haha... They later gave me tips and examples of how I should have ‘lied’ -_-“, which to them, should be anyone’s (especially undergraduates’) basic living skills.
So if you’ve something you don’t want to be told to the others, try to save me the trouble – don’t tell me as well. I know you think I’m safe to tell since my mouth hardly open, but it makes my life living hell when others come to me about it. Because saying “I don’t know” is also lying (I know I’m stupid) since I do know. People somehow know when I say “I don’t know” that I’m actually lying, and they pester on. Your secrets are safe, but my sanity is not.
(2) How do you interpret (see) someone
Moving on, they again pester again, seeing I revealed nothing except shifting uneasily at their questions. Haha… They said, “Hey, you, A, B and C are so close, do you not fall for any of them?” (A, B and C are obviously my guy friends). My first reaction is, “Huh, what kind of question is that?”
Then, I realize, there are truth to what they said. We’re kinda close (but in my opinion not that close except with A maybe). So of course, my spontaneous answer was “No.” and they look at me like I’m an alien born without a beating heart. I think I said it in a ‘of-course-not and never will be’ tone, that they were taken aback. I can tell by their look, that two gender friends can never be just friends – something I totally disagree.
So how do I interpret or ‘see’ my friends? I usually interpret them, guy or girl as a friend based on their characteristic and personality, not as a guy or as a girl! It’s funny I know, but their gender do not occur to me at all (unless it is someone I’m interested in haha! J/k). I’m not insulting them saying they’re not like guys/girls, it’s just... I don’t know, I don’t happen to think of someone as a guy or a girl first. In fact, it never occurs to me unless the situation requires it (but there seem to be none). So you can say I’ve no boundaries with friends. Haha. Sound so ‘sui pian’… anyway, Of course if it’s a new friend, and since I don’t know the person, naturally I will be reminded of him/her as a guy/girl. So, yeah of course they’re more boundaries with guy friends than with girl ones. (Since I’m from an all girls school, I’ve more courage to talk to girls ahaha)
But yes, for familiar friends, they’re no longer a guy or a girl, they’re all just friends. People I treasure and appreciate, laugh with, talk with, go crazy with… People I can count on… Hehe, maybe that is why I don’t fall easily since I hardly think of anyone by their gender.
Okay, that was the end of the interview. I can see they don’t believe me, but, well, they should know I can hardly tell lies… haha…
(3) Jealousy
I never learnt the definition of this word until recently. (I will not elaborate, yes, this is a post you’ve to read between lines). Actually, I was fed jealousy when I least expect it. But how strong was my jealousy? Not even strong enough to make it surface, or maybe I chose to keep it down. Haha, someone accidentally told me something I never expect to hear, but after I heard it, I was even more surprised that I actually felt jealousy.
This person who told me the news was just a third party and not involved in this case. Actually the news was not a surprise, and its not the first time (for the person involved in the news) has done this before. And when this third party guy tells me, I was nodding, oh yeah no wonder this, no wonder that to MYSELF. I was keeping quiet on the outside. :)
What scared me was the jealousy, because I don’t want to feel the jealousy, because then it would mean I have lied to myself all these while, so I used MYR to keep myself as busy as sleeping 3 hours a day, so I wouldn’t even have the strength to be reminded, but of course, its something that will resurface after you settle down. So well, I’m blogging it out, throwing it away.
By the way, I really pity workaholic, because I think I’ve transformed into one during that one week trying to forget it. You can’t even sleep well, you’ll just jump out of bed anytime and start working, you can’t rest because you can’t calm down, but yes you’re tired, but you just can’t stop. I can’t really explain the feeling, but it was kinda like you’ve a motor on 24/7 and going to rest is really hard. But you can feel your body worn out and everything… Thank god I think mine was a one week workaholic syndrome, now I’m back to my 6 hours sleep haha…
(4) Memories
I’ve very bad memory, but I don’t know why some of my friends say I have good one. I’ve a major problem with recognizing people’s face. I can recognize less than 10% of my 5-years coursemate. I tried counting how many Malay coursemates that I know by face and by name, it shockingly amounts to 5.
But then maybe human are not suppose to be totally weak, so I happen to have a really extremely good memory of this one thing. Only this one thing - I also don’t know why. Every single detail, happening, memory of this thing, I won’t or rather I can’t (cause I tried) forget. Last night, it’s like someone playing a prank on me, I’m reminded of it (I’d rather not go through the detail of how I was reminded). I so clearly declared it was finally a past that I’ve let go of (some time ago), but now I know, I’ve merely buried it somewhere under myself. The depth I was brought into the memory was overwhelming… I never thought it still could be… But maybe I should appreciate it as well, for not many are blessed with such beautiful memories, though bitter, but beautiful…
Ah! I’ve blogged so much, and yeah I know you’ve read, you know who you are…
Anyway, after so much loso, let’s admire some beautiful graphics, none of which are mine since I’m lousy in graphics…
I love this the most… :) My current desktop ;P ... I think you can tell by my habit of posting my favorite picture the last, that I usually save the best for the last... :)